New York Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Traumatic brain injuries are life-changing events that may or may not improve with time and treatment. As a New York TBI lawyer can tell you, these are some of the most challenging injuries and, as a result, challenging legal cases.

The effects of your TBI are very real but are often difficult to prove, as brain injuries are complex invisible injuries. Insurance companies will do all they can to minimize what they pay you, even as you work hard to prove how you are suffering.

At TopDog Personal Injury Lawyers, we are here to help you every step of the way. We identify liable parties and fight for full compensation from insurance companies. We take every brain injury seriously and provide evidence of your losses to insurers.

Consult with our New York TBI attorneys for free about a possible case.

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Your Guide to Traumatic Brain Injury in New York

Why Depend on Our Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys in New York?

It takes a highly experienced attorney to pursue fair compensation in a traumatic brain injury case. At TopDog Personal Injury Lawyers, we have that experience. We have helped many clients navigate the challenges they are facing when someone else’s recklessness or negligence causes loss. This includes helping our clients understand what compensation they may be owed when their injuries do not improve and impact the rest of their lives.

When our clients come into our office in the Bronx right on E. Gun Hill Road, they get our undivided attention. We listen, offer insight, and provide ongoing support for them. We never let our clients go to battle in a case like this without guidance on their rights. Our New York TBI attorneys are here to help you.

We also get results. With a proven track record of providing our clients with skilled legal services, you can trust that we will stick by you. Our firm has helped clients recover millions of dollars in losses.

James Helm, Personal Injury Lawyer

What Is Your TBI Case Worth?

Every traumatic brain injury creates different outcomes. For some people, these are short-term losses that allow them to recover fully. For others, the consequences will continue to affect their ability to work, engage with life, and achieve their goals. To determine the value of your TBI accident in New York, we must consider all of these factors.

Your case is worth the value of your medical bills, lost time at work, and property damage. It is also likely worth any non-economic damages you have, including pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and loss of quality of life. Our New York TBI attorney will work to see maximum compensation.

Where Do TBI Accidents Occur in New York?

Personal injury lawyer, James Helm

TBIs can occur for many reasons, as any blow or jolt to the head can lead to this type of injury. Accidents causing brain injuries happen every day throughout New York, including car and truck accidents, falls from heights, workplace accidents, and assaults. No matter what caused your brain injury, always have our attorney assess your legal rights and options.

How Our Legal Process Supports TBI Victims

With a skilled understanding of our client’s rights and a high level of knowledge of the complexity of TBIs, TopDog Personal Injury Lawyers is ready to fight for the best possible outcome for you. We stand by your client’s side to navigate their rights and push for fair compensation in every situation. Our New York TBI attorneys are committed to providing our clients one-on-one support, including guiding you through determining fault, finding available evidence, and documenting your losses. We take all types of personal injury cases involving traumatic brain injuries, including:

If you suffered an injury and someone else caused that injury, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Put our team to work for you to get the legal guidance you need. Call our New York TBI attorney to discuss your case in a free consultation. There is no risk, but there are plenty of benefits to contacting our team for immediate help.

Our experience helping clients with TBIs has helped us recover damages for many of their losses. Some examples of those losses include:

  • Paralysis
  • Loss of language skills
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Debilitating pain and nerve damage
  • Cognitive decline
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Emotional trauma

No matter what your consequences are, and whether they are short-term or long-term, having a trusted, experienced TBI attorney by your side is critically important.

Let Us Fight the Insurance Company in Your TBI Case

One of the core reasons to work with a TBI attorney in NY is that we know how to deal with insurance companies. These are often severe injuries with long-lasting consequences that can make it impossible for someone to recover enough to go back to work. As a result, settlements can be high, and insurance companies will do all they can to reduce the compensation they pay out. On the other hand, we fight to maximize the compensation you receive.

Personal Injury Lawyer
James Helm, Personal Injury Lawyer

What to Do After Your TBI Accident

Your priority is your recovery. We cannot stress enough how important it is for you to work on your health right now. Get all the care recommended to you, and seek guidance for complications that arise.

In the meantime, work with our legal team for immediate help. Our New York TBI attorney will start building your case immediately. You can help by providing us with all information you can remember about the incident. Then, keep a journal of the care you are receiving and any costs you have along the way. Make sure to document any pain and ongoing limitations you have in your journal. It may be helpful later to support your claim for damages.

Consult Our New York TBI Attorneys Now

James Helm, Personal Injury Lawyer
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