Newark Personal Injury Lawyer

Negligent people and companies may cause accidents, leading to various injuries. These injuries may, in turn, leave an accident victim in significant pain and needing ongoing medical care and treatment. If someone else causes injuries, they should also cover your expenses and losses, though insurance companies usually make obtaining such compensation an uphill battle.

You never have to take on this battle alone following an injury in the Newark area. The experienced Newark personal injury attorneys in TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers’ legal network represent injury victims following accidents, and they can review your legal options. Once you hire a personal injury lawyer, they can help you decide on the best course of action for your case and begin protecting your rights.

Once they assess your situation, your lawyer can file injury claims and pursue compensation from the appropriate insurance companies. In addition, they can litigate your case in the court system if the insurance company refuses to offer you fair monetary damages for your injuries and other losses. Our network of attorneys does whatever it takes to obtain what their clients deserve.

With TopDog Law on your side, you can trust your claim is in good hands. You can focus on your medical treatment, knowing that someone is reliably seeking what you deserve for justice and financial support.

Please contact us directly for a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced Newark personal injury attorney.

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Why Choose Us for Your Legal Needs?

When seeking an attorney to represent you in your Newark personal injury case, you want the best possible legal team to always advocate for you. The experienced Newark personal injury lawyers in TopDog Law’s legal network have the knowledge and experience to get you the compensation you deserve.

TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers James Helm

They understand how insurance companies work and know how to effectively negotiate with them to get their clients fair monetary compensation for their injuries. Additionally, they have extensive experience filing personal injury lawsuits and litigating cases in the New Jersey Court System.

At every stage of the legal process, your lawyer can explain your legal rights and ensure you make informed and intelligent decisions. Let us help you find a local attorney who can secure the monetary recovery you need for your accident-related injuries.

How Much Is My Newark Personal Injury Claim Worth?

To recover monetary damages in a Newark personal injury claim or lawsuit, the accident victim must usually satisfy several legal elements.

First, they must establish that the at-fault party owed them a legal duty of care and that they breached that duty of care by acting unreasonably under the circumstances.

Newark personal injury attorney

Next, the accident victim must show that both their accident and injuries were direct results of the other party’s negligence.

Since New Jersey is a no-fault state regarding car accidents, accident victims must ordinarily turn to their own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance coverage for monetary damages after their accident.

As part of their PIP coverage, they can pursue financial recovery for their accident-related medical expenses and lost income (such as if they had to take time off work following their accident). However, if the accident victim selected an unlimited right to sue when they obtained their insurance coverage, they may file a third-party personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

The monetary damages you can recover as part of a third-party personal injury claim depends upon various factors. Since every personal injury claim and lawsuit differs, not all accident victims can recover the same monetary damages for the accident-related injuries they suffered.

Some factors that may affect the total economic recovery that an accident victim receives include the accident type, whether the accident victim suffered a permanent injury or impairment in their accident, the medical treatment the accident victim underwent, and the total cost of their medical treatment.

As part of a third-party personal injury claim, an accident victim can recover monetary damages for their related medical expenses (including the costs of their medical treatment to date and their anticipated medical costs), lost income, and loss of earning capacity (like if they had to switch to a different job and take a pay cut due to their accident-related injuries).

In addition to these economic losses, accident victims can bring a claim for their intangible losses. Those monetary damages compensate accident victims for their related permanent disability or disfigurement, loss of the ability to use a body part, lost quality of life, loss of spousal consortium, past and future pain and suffering, inconvenience, mental anguish, and lifetime care costs.

A personal injury lawyer can evaluate the facts and circumstances of your case and determine which type of claim you can file. Given your injuries and other case-related circumstances, they can inform you of the monetary compensation you may recover. They will do everything possible to maximize your economic recovery through a favorable settlement offer from the insurance company or outcome in court.

Where do Accidents Frequently Happen in Newark?

Accidents can occur in various locations throughout Newark, often when accident victims least expect them. For example, many car crashes occur on major New Jersey roadways, including Route 129. Premises accidents, including slips and falls, may happen at a workplace or in a grocery store, restaurant, or bar, where food and liquid tend to spill onto the floor commonly.

Accidents may also happen on construction sites, where individuals must work around heavy and dangerous equipment or atop high scaffolding and ladders. Newark accidents may occur on boats or in swimming pools, especially when owners fail to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition for the benefit of visitors.

If you sustained injuries in an accident in one of these locations, and the other party was at fault, you can pursue various types of monetary compensation by filing an insurance claim – or a lawsuit in the court system.

A lawyer from our network can thoroughly evaluate your case and determine your eligibility for recovering favorable monetary compensation. They can then handle the claims filing and settlement negotiation processes.

Common Accidents in Newark and Their Causes

When other individuals behave unreasonably or carelessly under the circumstances, serious accidents may occur in the Newark region.

Some of the most common Newark accidents that result from others’ negligence include:

Car Accident in Newark

  • Car and truck accidents, where a driver fails to drive in a reasonable, careful, and prudent manner under the circumstances or violates one or more traffic laws in New Jersey
  • Slip and fall accidents, where a property owner negligently fails to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe manner or warn about/correct a known hazardous condition on their premises within a reasonable amount of time
  • Negligent security incidents, where an individual gets hurt on someone else’s property because the property owner fails to have an adequate security presence or lack of security cameras in the vicinity
  • Swimming pool accidents, where a pool owner does not have a sufficient number of lifeguards on duty or where they fail to maintain the pool or pool deck in a reasonably safe and careful manner
  • Boating accidents, where a boat owner or operator fails to keep the boat deck clear or someone drives the boat in an unsafe or illegal manner (such as while intoxicated)
  • Amusement park accidents, where a park owner fails to properly maintain or inspect rides regularly, causing a breakdown or malfunction
  • Construction site accidents, where an individual suffers injuries while they are on the job, such as a fall injury from a tall ladder or scaffolding

If you suffered injuries in any of these accidents that resulted from another person’s negligence, an attorney can take the necessary steps to recover the monetary compensation you deserve.

They can inform you of the documents needed to file a claim with the insurance company and then begin negotiating your claim with settlement adjusters on your behalf. If the insurance company will not compensate you fairly, your lawyer can pursue litigation in the court system.

Physical Injuries that Accident Victims Frequently Suffer in Newark Accidents

Pedestrian hit by a car in Newark

In an accident that results from someone else’s negligence, accident victims may stand to suffer severe injuries. The specific injuries that an accident victim sustains will depend upon the type of accident that occurs, the accident circumstances, the accident location, and the amount of force involved in the accident.

Some of the most common injuries that Newark accident victims might sustain include:

  • Traumatic head and brain injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Soft tissue contusions
  • Road rash
  • Rib fractures
  • Broken bones
  • Complete and incomplete spinal cord injuries
  • Full and partial paralysis injuries
  • Mouth and teeth injuries

If you sustained one or more of these injuries in a recent accident, your top priority should be receiving the medical care and treatment you need. We can begin gathering the necessary documents to prove your case, including your medical records and bills. At the same time, you can complete your medical treatment and focus your full attention on getting better.

Fighting the Insurance Company After an Accident in Newark

If you recently sustained injuries in a Newark accident that resulted from another party’s negligence, contact TopDog Law right away. We can put you in contact with a seasoned lawyer who can handle all dealings with the insurance company on your behalf.

No matter which insurance company you deal with, settlement adjusters will not do you any favors. In fact, insurance companies do not have any interest or incentive to fairly compensate you for your accident-related injuries and damages. Instead, the insurance company will do everything possible to pay you as little as possible. The more the insurance company has to pay, the less they can keep in-house for themselves and their shareholders.

When it comes time to negotiate a fair settlement offer, it takes a strong team of aggressive personal injury attorneys.

Newark Personal Injury Lawyer | TopDog Get You Top Dollar | TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers

At TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers, the attorneys in our network know the tricks and tactics that insurance companies and their adjusters routinely use to try and undervalue personal injury claims.

In some cases, the insurance company might blame you – fully or partially – for the accident that happened. At other times, the adjuster might claim that your injuries are pre-existing or do not relate to the accident.

A personal injury lawyer can retain a medical expert to testify to support your case in these circumstances. They can also threaten the insurance company with litigation if they do not offer you the fair monetary recovery you deserve.

Your attorney can advise you on making intelligent and informed legal decisions throughout the process. For example, they can help you determine whether to accept a particular settlement offer from the insurance company or file a lawsuit and litigate your case to a resolution in court.

Steps to Take Following an Accident in Newark

Following an accident in Newark, complete all of your accident-related medical treatment to have the best chance of recovering fully. Seeking ongoing medical treatment for your injuries also shows the insurance company that your injuries are serious. In that instance, they may offer you fair and reasonable monetary compensation for your injuries.

TopDog Personal Injury Lawyers

You must also collect and retain essential documents in your case, including medical records and bills, incident reports, police reports, lost income documents, and photos of the property damage, injuries, and accident scene. Once you forward those documents to your attorney, they can assemble them into a demand package and send them to the insurance company for review and evaluation.

Call a Newark Personal Injury Lawyer Right Away

James Helm, Attorney for Personal injury in Newark

At TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers, our team welcomes the opportunity to evaluate your case and connect you with a strong legal advocate in New Jersey. They can fight for your rights and best interests and help you get the highest monetary award possible in your case. For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced Newark personal injury lawyer, please contact us at (973) 620-2720 for more information.

TopDog Personal Injury Lawyers – Newark Office

600 Mount Prospect Avenue,
Suite A
Newark, NJ 07104

Ph: (973) 620-2720

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