Philadelphia Nursing Home Injuries Attorneys

You put your trust in a nursing home and pay it dearly to care for your loved one. You wanted a place to keep them safe and allow them to live with dignity. 

So, what do you do if the facility allows your loved one to suffer an injury?

You can try to navigate the complex regulations and nursing home bureaucracy yourself. But why not consult with a law firm that knows the law and has deep experience in such cases? Talk to the team at TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers today.

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Trust TopDog Law to Win Your Philadelphia Nursing Home Injury Case

TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers provides compassionate support and relentless advocacy for nursing home injury victims in Philadelphia and nationwide. We have the dedication and knowledge to fight diligently for justice in your case.

TopDog Founder James Helm knows from personal experience how we all face tragedies we must overcome. A highly competitive athlete, James had to fight through a youth of addiction to painkillers. His will to compete and excel was more potent than any drug, driving him to build a successful nationwide law firm. James knows how to fight for you and your loved one and has instilled those values throughout his firm.

Are you ready for a firm driven by a commitment to hold those accountable for nursing home accidents? Our main Philadelphia office is at 434 West Olney Avenue, just a block from the Einstein Medical Center. Feel free to drop in, call (214) 544-3707 , or contact us online today.

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What to Do After a Nursing Home Injury

You’ve gotten medical help, and your loved one is hopefully on the mend. 

After a nursing home injury:

  • Communicate with the nursing home staff – Request that the staff document the incident in writing and get a copy of the incident report.
  • Gather evidence – Collect photos of the accident scene, injuries, and any hazardous conditions taken by the victim or witnesses. Also, collect contact information from witnesses, including visitors.
  • Preserve evidence – Keep any torn clothing or damaged personal items as evidence.
  • Document everything – Keep detailed records of the accident, including dates, times, conversations, and interactions with staff. Include any changes in your health or well-being after the accident.

Knowing what to do in a nursing home injury case can be overwhelming. Trust TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers to help you come out on top in your time of greatest need.

Understanding Damages in Nursing Home Injury Cases

Are you wondering whether you or a loved one could win damages for a nursing home injury? That depends on your case and on the legal representation you choose. TopDog Law has consistently gotten our clients compensation beyond their expectations.

The law sorts personal injury damages into two distinct categories.

Economic damages are tangible financial losses incurred due to an accident or injury.

Examples include:

  • Medical bills – Costs related to treatment, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation
  • Property damage – Repair or replacement costs for damaged property
  • Household services – Costs incurred for hiring help with tasks because of the accident
  • Out-of-pocket expenses – Any other direct financial losses

Non-economic damages are intangible losses that don’t have a direct monetary value, so juries must consider them subjectively. They include:

  • Pain and suffering – Physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish due to the accident
  • Loss of enjoyment of activities – Inability to participate in activities previously enjoyed
  • Humiliation and reputational damage – Impact on personal dignity and reputation
  • Worsening of prior injuries – Aggravation of existing health conditions
  • Loss of consortium – A spouse’s claim for loss of companionship and support

All of these are serious and can have long-term impacts. They also make a nursing home injury victim eligible for compensation. Let TopDog Law’s Personal Injury Lawyers get you the top dollar you deserve.

Is Your Nursing Home Responsible for an Accident?

Nursing homes are supposed to be a trusted source of care for your loved one. But sometimes, they don’t live up to that ideal because of negligence or other reasons. 

When a nursing home fails to protect its patients or residents from an accident or injury, you can hold it legally responsible and possibly win compensation.

Here are some ways a nursing home might be liable for such incidents:

  • Negligent hiring – Nursing homes must have rigorous vetting procedures to find competent staff committed to caring for residents and patients. If the management fails to properly vet its hires, leading to harm or injury to a patient, it can be held accountable. For instance, a nursing home that hires an employee who neglects, abuses, or intentionally harms a resident faces legal liability.
  • Failure to maintain required health and safety policies – Nursing homes are responsible for keeping their facilities reasonably clean, sanitary, safe, and free of hazards. Examples include preventing conditions that might cause slip-and-fall accidents or physical altercations between residents. 
  • Incompetent or lax supervision – Inattentive or inconsistent staff supervision can encourage negligence and substandard care. A nursing home can be legally liable if it fails to supervise residents adequately, resulting in falls or other injuries. Proper supervision is crucial to prevent accidents.
  • Inadequate medical care – Nursing homes must provide professional medical treatment that meets the standard of care. Substandard medical care that harms a resident may lead to a malpractice lawsuit against the facility or medical professionals involved.
  • Neglect – A nursing home that neglects residents can cause safety and medical issues, such as bed sores. Nursing homes are responsible for ensuring residents’ well-being.

A nursing home that allows negligent or substandard practices puts many people in danger, not just your loved one. Consult TopDog Law today to build your case against a nursing home injury.

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Win the Damages You Deserve for Your Nursing Home Injury Case

At TopDog Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we’re not just about representing you legally; we will fight until we can restore peace of mind and secure a safer future for your loved one.

Let our skilled team win justice and respect for your loved one. Call us at (214) 544-3707 or contact usonline today.

James Helm, Personal Injury Lawyer

James Helm, Personal Injury Lawyer in Philadelphia

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