Bronx Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents that result from others’ negligence can lead to devastating injuries, ongoing medical treatment, and high medical bills.

Since New York is a no-fault car accident state, accident victims must ordinarily turn to their own insurance companies and their Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance coverage for monetary compensation after their accident. However, this coverage compensates accident victims primarily for their medical expenses and lost income.

Many accident victims suffer severe and debilitating injuries, and they may incur medical bills that far exceed the amount of their PIP coverage. The accident victim might turn to the at-fault driver’s insurance company for monetary compensation.

If you recently suffered injuries in a car accident, you need experienced and compassionate legal counsel. The skilled team of Bronx car accident attorneys at TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers can handle every aspect of your case and pursue the maximum compensation available.

We can file a claim with the appropriate insurance company, aggressively negotiate with insurance company representatives, and, if applicable, pursue litigation in your case at a civil jury trial or binding arbitration proceeding. Our team will fight for your rights to recover the total monetary award you deserve via settlement or litigation.

Please contact us for a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced Bronx car accident attorney.

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Why Choose Us to Represent You in Your Car Accident Case?

James with her mom, standing proudly at TopDog billboard

We know you have many choices when selecting an attorney to represent you in your car accident claim or lawsuit. You want the best possible lawyer on your side, aggressively fighting for your legal rights against the insurance company.

In short, look no further than TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers for all your personal injury legal needs. We have a strong track record of success in favorably resolving car accident claims through settlement and successfully litigating cases in court. We are equally comfortable resolving cases at the settlement table as we are handling cases in the courtroom. Let us pursue and recover the maximum monetary damages you need and deserve in your case.

What Is the Likely Value of My Bronx Car Accident Case?

Most accident victims want to know the ultimate settlement or verdict value of their car accident claim or lawsuit. However, the short answer is it depends.

The monetary compensation that a Bronx car accident victim may recover will depend on:

Bronx car accident attorney

  • The type of car accident
  • The kind of insurance claim the accident victim is eligible to file (PIP versus a third-party claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company)
  • The total amount of insurance coverage available to compensate the accident victim
  • The nature and extent of the accident victim’s injuries
  • The cost of the accident victim’s medical treatment
  • Whether the accident victim missed time from work (and the total amount of compensation they lost)
  • Whether the accident victim suffered a permanent or disabling injury in their accident

As part of a claim for PIP benefits, a car crash victim may recover compensation for their related medical expenses. In addition, if they had to miss time from work to attend medical appointments and recover from their accident-related injuries, they may pursue a claim for lost income.

If the accident victim suffered a permanent or disabling injury or otherwise may pursue a third-party personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, they can recover additional monetary compensation.

These other monetary damages may include compensation for all their past and future inconvenience, suffering, and pain. They can also recover monetary damages for their mental distress, for example, if they suffered post-traumatic stress disorder after their accident.

Other potential damages that accident victims may recover include compensation for loss of spousal companionship, permanent disfigurement or disability, loss of the ability to use a body part, lost quality of life, and lifetime care costs.

Our experienced legal team can determine which damages you may recover in your case. We can also calculate your claim’s worth, depending on your circumstances and the nature and extent of your injuries.

Where Do Car Accidents Frequently Occur in the Bronx?

Unfortunately, motor vehicle crashes in the Bronx continue to be an ongoing problem. Frequently, these accidents happen when other drivers don’t watch the road or violate one or more traffic laws. In particular, traffic intersection accidents in the Bronx usually happen when drivers fail to observe the road or yield the right-of-way to other drivers. Some of the most dangerous Bronx intersections include:
  • East 163rd Street and Third Avenue
  • West Fordham Road and Major Deegan Expressway
  • Coop City Boulevard and Bellamy Loop
  • Creston Avenue and Field Place
  • College Avenue and East 168th Street
  • White Plains Road and Cross Bronx Expressway
  • Tiffany Street and Bruckner Boulevard
In addition to traffic intersection accidents, motor vehicle crashes in the Bronx may occur in parking lots, garages, and major highways, including the Hutchinson River Parkway and the Hutchinson River Expressway. If you recently suffered injuries in a car crash in one of these locations, our legal team can investigate your accident circumstances and file an insurance claim seeking the financial recovery you deserve.

Types of Car Accidents in the Bronx

When people drive recklessly or carelessly in the Bronx, serious traffic accidents may happen, leading to debilitating and painful injuries.

Some of the most common car accidents that occur in the Bronx include:

  • T-bone or broadside collisions, where one vehicle strikes another vehicle that is traveling on an intersecting roadway
  • Tailgate or rear-end accidents, where the front of one vehicle hits the back of another vehicle
  • Head-on collisions, where the front of one vehicle hits the front of an oncoming car, sometimes leading to fatal injuries
  • Sideswipe accidents, where the side of one vehicle hits the side of a car traveling in the same direction in a nearby lane.

These different types of accidents typically happen due to negligent drivers. One common reason for car accidents in the Bronx is that drivers regularly violate traffic laws.

horrific car accident in Bronx

For example, a driver may fail to use their turn signal on a major highway when making a lane change. They might also exceed the speed limit or fail to yield the right-of-way to another vehicle or pedestrian at the proper time.

When drivers commit one or more of these road-rule violations, the chances are good that they will cause a severe traffic accident or a series of collisions.

Car accidents in the Bronx may also happen when people drive while intoxicated. A legally intoxicated passenger vehicle driver’s blood alcohol concentration meets or exceeds 0.08 percent. Similarly, any drugs in a driver’s system may cause intoxication.

An intoxicated or drugged driver cannot drive carefully and safely. For example, the driver may experience physical symptoms, including blurred vision and dizziness. As a result, they may not see an approaching vehicle in time to avoid a collision. Similarly, an intoxicated or drugged driver might experience delayed reaction time, preventing them from hitting their brakes in time to avoid a crash.

In addition to intoxicated driving, some accidents happen because of reckless driving. For example, a driver might cut off other vehicles in traffic, honk their horns, weave around busy traffic, or tailgate to get ahead. However, reckless driving may cause a driver to strike one or more other vehicles, leading to a series of accidents.

Too many Bronx car accidents happen because of distracted driving. Distraction behind the wheel is a public safety concern throughout New York and the United States, and the Bronx is no exception. Whether a driver is texting, engaged in a heated discussion with passengers, or simply daydreaming, taking eyes or focus off the road for even a few seconds is enough to cause a severe collision and injuries.

If you sustained injuries in a Bronx car accident that resulted from one of these types of negligence, our legal team can handle every aspect of your case. We can file the appropriate insurance claim and explore litigation options if the insurance company refuses to compensate you fairly for your accident-related losses.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can lead to severe injuries for many accident victims. A car crash victim’s injuries may depend on where the accident victim is sitting in a vehicle, how their body moves during the crash, and whether or not a part of their body strikes a vehicle component in the accident.

Sometimes, a driver’s head might strike the steering wheel or headrest, causing a concussion or another traumatic head or brain injury.

A driver may suffer a neck or back whiplash injury if their head snaps backward in a forceful car accident.

Other common injuries that Bronx car crash victims may suffer include:

Car Accident Injuries in Bronx

  • Internal bleeding
  • Internal organ damage
  • Open cuts and lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Bone fractures
  • Rib fractures
  • Vertebrae fractures
  • Complete and incomplete paralysis injuries

If you suffered one or more of these injuries in your Bronx car accident, our legal team can handle the legal components of your case. At the same time, you attend medical appointments and focus on improving.

Fighting the Insurance Company After a Car Accident in the Bronx

Whether you are dealing with your own insurance company or the at-fault driver’s insurance company, you need a skilled and aggressive attorney advocating for your legal interests.

No insurance company is ever on your side following a car accident. In fact, the insurance company, even your own, is your direct adversary. Insurance companies do not want to have to pay out large settlements, arbitration awards, or jury verdicts in a car accident case. Instead, they want to limit their payout as much as possible to keep this money in-house.

Consequently, insurance companies will resort to almost anything to try to undervalue a car accident claim. For example, the insurance company might contend that the accident victim caused or contributed to the accident or that the victim’s claimed injuries are preexisting.

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At TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we fully understand the tricks and tactics insurance companies and their representatives routinely use to undervalue Bronx car accident claims.

We can handle all oral and written communications with insurance company adjusters on your behalf and fight for the monetary damages you deserve. We can recover favorable compensation by retaining experienced and qualified experts in your case, pointing to the medical records and other documents, or threatening the insurance company with personal injury litigation. We can also answer all your questions and guide you to make informed and intelligent legal decisions throughout your case.

What to Do Following a Bronx Car Crash

If you are involved in a car accident in the Bronx, you must take several necessary steps. First, follow through with all recommended medical treatments from a treating healthcare provider.

For example, you might need to consult a medical specialist, such as a neurologist or orthopedic doctor. Depending on your injuries, you may also need to see your primary care physician or attend ongoing physical therapy appointments. Completing a medical treatment regimen shows insurance company representatives that you take your case and medical treatment seriously and suffered severe injuries in your accident.

Also, following a Bronx car accident, you should obtain and keep several vital documents. Those documents include copies of police reports, witness contact information, written witness statements, medical records, medical bills, lost income documentation, and photographs of your injuries, property damage, and the accident scene.

Once you complete your medical treatment, we can assemble these documents into a settlement demand package for the insurance company to review. We can then begin negotiating favorable settlement compensation on your behalf.

Speak With an Experienced Bronx Car Accident Attorney About Your Legal Matter Right Away

James Helm, Attorney for Car Accident in Bronx

The knowledgeable legal team at TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers can aggressively fight for your legal rights and recover the compensation you deserve for your car accident injuries.

For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced Bronx personal injury attorney, please contact us at (516) 788-8852 or online for more information.

TopDog Personal Injury Lawyers – Bronx Office

910 East Gun Hill Road,
Suite A,
Bronx, NY 10469

Ph: (516) 788-8852

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