Birmingham Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers

When you suffer a slip and fall accident, getting justice should be one of your top priorities. Look no further than TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers. We maintain a network of personal injury attorneys in Alabama who will evaluate your damages and fight for all the compensation you deserve. Trust the Birmingham slip and fall accident lawyers in our network to pursue your settlement or verdict.

The attorneys we work with are always standing up for the underdog, and you may feel like the underdog as you recover from injuries and try to find normalcy once again. We can connect you with a lawyer in your area to secure the money you need for medical expenses and other damages.

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If You Want Help... Call Us

It costs absolutely nothing to see if you have a case

What to Expect From a Personal Injury Lawyers Team 

TOP DOG LAWExpect full service from our network of attorneys serving Birmingham. They know the city and take a professional, urgent approach to building cases. Your lawyer will:

Identify the Cause of Your Slip and Fall Accident

Your legal team will not wait to secure evidence from the slip and fall accident, including:

  • Any witness accounts that help establish liable parties’ negligence
  • Video footage of dangerous conditions or of the fall itself
  • Photographs of the slipping hazard that caused your fall
  • Expert testimony about how the property owner (or another liable party) endangered you

They will investigate with an open mind, as evidence can vary from case to case. They will obtain any evidence that contributes to your case.

Document Damages Resulting from Your Fall

Your lawyer must prove how your fall has harmed you. They may do so using:

  • Medical records, including specific diagnoses of injuries
  • X-rays, CT scans, and other medical imaging showing your injuries
  • A mental health expert’s diagnoses of the toll of your fall
  • Bank statements and employment records showing the professional effects of your fall

Your slip and fall accident lawyer will secure all available proof of your fall-related damages, as this will be key to your case’s success.

Establish a Case Value

Your lawyer will determine the exact amount of compensation you deserve. This figure will reflect:

  • Damages you have already experienced
  • Damages you are going to suffer in the future

They will account for both economic damages (such as lost income) and non-economic damages (like pain and suffering).

Negotiate a Settlement on Your Behalf

Settlements are a common way for fall victims to obtain the compensation they deserve. Your attorney will grant liable parties the opportunity to pay the money they owe you.

File a Lawsuit (if Necessary)

If insurance companies, a negligent property owner, or other liable parties will not offer a fair settlement, filing a lawsuit may become necessary. Your lawyer will draft and file your lawsuit as soon as they determine it is the right move.

Complete a Trial (if Necessary)

If your attorney files a lawsuit and liable parties still fail to meet their settlement demands, a trial may come next. Your legal team will:

  • Prepare for trial in a Birmingham court
  • Oversee the pre-trial process (including discovery)
  • Present, question, and cross-examine witnesses
  • Present and critique evidence
  • Make oral arguments in pursuit of a fair judgment

Your lawyer will work hard to persuade jurors that our clients deserve all of the compensation we seek.

Protect and Advise You Throughout Your Case

The guidance of an experienced legal team will allow you to focus on recovery without giving a second thought to your case. They will provide all the advice you need while we fight for every dollar you deserve.

Personal injury lawyer in Birmingham, James HelmRecoverable Damages in Your Birmingham Slip and Fall Accident Case

Injuries from falls can cause:

  • Healthcare expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost income
  • Diminished earning power
  • Mental health treatment costs

If a victim suffers disabling injuries, they may also need medical equipment and other items and services. Your legal team will value and seek proof of all your fall-related damages.

Don’t Wait to Call a Birmingham Slip and Fall Accident Attorney for Your Free Consultation

James Helm, Attorney for Slip and Fall Accident in Birmingham

Let a Birmingham personal injury lawyer from TopDogLaw Personal Injury Lawyers’ network be your personal legal advisor. They will handle your case from start to finish.

Call TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers today at (205) 539-0893 for your free consultation.

TopDog Personal Injury Lawyers – Birmingham Office

950 22nd St N #600
Birmingham, AL 35203

Phone: (205) 539-0893

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