A former Penncrest High School alumni, David Strowhouer, is facing his sixth DUI this time for homicide by vehicle while under the influence. On February 16th, Strowhouer tragically killed 45-year-old Deana Eckman from Brookhaven when his Dodge Ram struck Eckman’s Subaru head on.
On Tuesday, Strowhouer’s case was continued for a second time. His attorney, Brian Malloy, and the Deputy District Attorney Daniel McDevitt agreed for a dedicated hearing to take place on March 28, 2019 at 1:30pm.
The personal injury lawyers at TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers continue to extend their thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by this tragedy. Our Chester County personal injury lawyers and Chester County car accident attorneys are trained to show clients and their families compassion. We take wrongful death lawsuits regularly and are determined to get the families we work with justice for the death of a loved one.
If you are looking for a Chester County wrongful death lawyer, please call us at 800.215.7211. Our knowledgeable and skilled Chester County wrongful death attorneys conduct a thorough investigation and work tirelessly on every wrongful death case.