Atlanta Premises Liability Attorneys

When businesses or property owners fail to properly care for their premises, accidents can happen, and people can suffer serious injuries. Under Georgia law, incidents like fires, slip and fall accidents, explosions, and elevator accidents can all entitle victims to financial compensation through a premises liability claim.

At TopDog Law, we fight for victims like you to get the compensation you deserve. We know that insurance companies will do everything possible to minimize your claim, and will take your case to court if it is in your best interest. To discuss your case with an Atlanta premises liability lawyer, call our office today or contact us online.

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It costs absolutely nothing to see if you have a case

The TopDog Law Difference

At TopDog Law, we know what it takes to fight large insurance companies and have the focus and resources to do it. As a victim, the last thing you should have to do while you recover from your accident is deal with mountains of paperwork and endless phone calls with an insurance adjuster. Fortunately, with TopDog Law on your side, you can focus on your well-being while we focus on your case.

National Personal Injury Lawyer James Helm cheering in front of TopDog Billboard

Whether your accident happened at work, school, an Atlanta Falcons Game, or Emory, the first thing you should do after a premises liability accident is call TopDog Law. Founding attorney James Helm is a born competitor who has faced his fair share of adversity in his life – and brings that tenacity and grit to every case he handles.

What Is a Premises Liability Accident?

Premises liability deals with liability when accidents occur because of dangerous conditions on someone’s property. Some examples of common premises liability cases include:

Slips and Falls

Atlanta premises liability lawyer

One of the most common types of premises liability cases involves slip and fall accidents. You might have a valid case if you slip, trip, or fall due to a hazardous condition on someone else’s property—such as a wet floor, uneven pavement, or debris—and sustain injuries.


Property owners have a responsibility to provide proper fire safety measures and maintenance. If a fire occurs due to inadequate fire prevention measures, faulty wiring, or other hazardous conditions, resulting in injury or death, it can lead to a premises liability case.

Elevator or Escalator Accidents

Malfunctioning elevators or escalators can lead to serious accidents. Property owners and maintenance companies must ensure these devices are in safe working condition. If negligence leads to an accident causing injuries, a premises liability case may arise.

Toxic Exposure

Exposure to toxic substances on someone’s property, whether it’s a workplace or a public space, can result in severe health issues, such as chronic disease. Property owners must prevent exposure and provide proper warnings. You may have a premises liability claim if you suffer harm due to toxic exposure.

Inadequate Security

Property owners are also responsible for providing reasonable security measures to protect visitors from criminal acts like assaults or robberies. If inadequate security leads to harm, victims can pursue a premises liability claim against the person or party responsible for managing the property where the attack occurred.

Structural Defects

Poorly maintained structures can collapse or cause accidents. If a balcony collapses, a roof caves in, or any structural defect leads to injuries, it might constitute a premises liability case.

What to Do if You Suffered Injuries in a Premises Liability Accident

If you suffer an injury in an accident on someone else’s property, protect your rights and ensure you can obtain any compensation the at-fault party owes you. The most important of these steps include:

Prioritize Your Health and Safety

Make your well-being your top priority. If you suffered an injury, seek medical attention immediately. Even if your injuries seem minor, get a medical evaluation. Some injuries may not manifest symptoms right away, and you need a medical record to pursue a legal claim.

Refrain from Making Statements

Avoid making any statements about fault or liability, especially to the property owner or their representatives. They will use anything you say against you. Stick to the facts and avoid speculating about the accident.

Document Medical Treatment:

Keep detailed records of all medical treatment you receive, including doctor visits, prescriptions, and therapy sessions. These records document your injuries and demonstrate the costs you incurred due to the accident.

Contact an Attorney

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Reach out to an experienced premises liability attorney as soon as possible. They can evaluate your case, advise you on your rights, and guide you through the legal process. You need a knowledgeable attorney on your side to protect your interests.

After a premises liability accident, your actions can significantly affect any legal claim you may pursue. By following these steps, you can protect your rights, gather necessary evidence, and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome if you seek compensation for your injuries and damages.

How Our Lawyers Can Help Premises Liability Accident Victims

There are many ways that the lawyers at TopDog can benefit you after you suffer an injury on someone else’s property.

Some of the specific things we will do include:

  • Evaluate your accident and determine whether you have a claim
  • Gather evidence that shows the extent and severity of your injuries
  • File a claim with the appropriate insurance company
  • Attempt to negotiate a settlement with the other party
  • If we cannot reach a favorable settlement through insurance negotiations, file a lawsuit on your behalf and represent you in court

Perhaps most importantly, when you retain the team at TopDog Law, you will leave all of the legal aspects of

Contact Us Today for a Consultation With an Atlanta Premises Liability Attorney

James Helm, Attorney for Premises Liability Atlanta

If you have suffered injuries in an accident on someone else’s property, contact an attorney as soon as you can.

At TopDog Law, we know how much premises liability accidents can hurt victims and their families, and this makes us dedicated to helping victims get the full value of their claims. For your free case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta, call our office today at (404) 620-4059 or contact us online.

TopDog Personal Injury Lawyers – Atlanta Office

3225 Cumberland Blvd,
Suite 100,
Atlanta, GA 30339

Ph: (404) 620-4059

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