It costs absolutely nothing to see if you have a case
It costs absolutely nothing to see if you have a case
TopDog Law is a national network of law firms, including Helm Law Group, LLC, which license the TopDog Law name and separately operate in states where they are each licensed.
If you’ve been hurt… we’re here to help.
If life hasn’t been fair to you or you’ve been treated unjustly… we’re here to fight for the underdog. We’re on your team.
If your friends and family told you to call us, there’s a reason for that:
In your time of greatest need, we’re here to make sure you come out on top.
Are you ready to get the help and compensation you deserve?
Man Arrested 5 Times, Gets Law Degree,
James Helm is the founder of TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers. James grew up playing sports 24/7. Whether it was football, wrestling, or baseball – James has always loved to compete. He’s taken that same competitive nature and applied it to the courtroom fighting for his clients and building TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers from the ground up into the powerhouse law firm it is today.
One thing many people admire about James is that he is a straight shooter. He keeps it real with his clients and isn’t afraid to share his own story of struggle.
TopDog Law is a national marketing network that collaborates with James Helm, Helm Law Group, LLC, and other experienced local attorneys across the country, licensed in the states where they practice, combining our extensive resources and knowledge with their deep understanding of state-specific laws and regulations.
Helm Law Group, LLC maintains at least joint responsibility for each client file, and most cases are referred to TopDog Law’s network of attorneys across the country for principal responsibility. This strategic partnership allows us to provide you with the best of both worlds: the power and reach of a nationwide network of law firms, coupled with the personalized attention and local know-how of attorneys in your community.
With TopDog Law’s network of local attorneys on your side, you can rest assured that you have a tenacious, experienced team fighting tirelessly to secure the maximum compensation you deserve, regardless of your location.
TopDog Law is a national marketing network for law firms, including Helm Law Group, LLC, which license the TopDog Law name and separately operate in states where they are each licensed. James Helm is licensed to practice in Arizona and Pennsylvania. Helm Law Group, LLC operates in Arizona.