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When a negligent driver causes a car crash that leads to injuries, accident victims may recover monetary compensation and damages. In addition to compensation for their out-of-pocket losses, such as lost income and medical expenses, they can also recover monetary damages for their pain, suffering, and inconvenience.
The experienced and compassionate Atlanta car accident attorneys in TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers’ legal network can meet with you immediately to discuss your car accident circumstances, review documents, and determine your eligibility for filing a personal injury claim or lawsuit.
If you can move forward, your attorney will file a claim on your behalf, negotiate with insurance company representatives, or litigate your case in the court system. Let a legal professional help you recover the monetary compensation you deserve for your Atlanta car accident injuries.
Take action now. You have only two years from the car accident to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking monetary recovery. Absent several limited circumstances, if the accident victim fails to file their lawsuit on time, they will forever waive their right to recover monetary damages for their injuries.
For your free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced Atlanta car accident attorney, please contact our office for more information.
It costs absolutely nothing to see if you have a case
To recover monetary damages following a car accident, a victim must first meet their legal burden of proof. Specifically, they must show that another driver violated their duty to act reasonably and carefully. For example, the other driver might have texted while driving, broken the speed limit, or drove under the influence of alcohol.
Next, the accident victim must show that as a direct result of this breach, the car accident occurred.
Finally, the accident victim must prove that they suffered at least one physical injury as a direct, unforeseeable result of their accident. The accident victim may need to introduce medical testimony to establish this last legal element.
For example, a treating healthcare provider can testify, or write in a medical report, that the accident victim’s injuries directly relate to the car accident.
Once a car crash victim in Atlanta can satisfy their legal burden of proof, they can recover monetary damages. They can recover these damages through a favorable monetary settlement from the insurance company or litigation in the Georgia court system.
The total monetary damages that an accident victim can recover will depend on the nature and extent of their injuries, the type of car accident, the force of the collision, the scope of their medical treatment, and the total cost of their medical care.
Monetary awards in car accident cases may include compensation for:
A skilled legal team can use their experience to ballpark the total monetary value of your car accident claim or lawsuit. They can then use this knowledge to help you decide whether to accept or reject a settlement offer from the insurance company.
Whatever you decide, you can be sure your aggressive legal team will fight for your rights and help you maximize your overall monetary damages.
Car accidents can occur anywhere in Atlanta, but they are more common on some roads than others. Some roads are dangerous due to the high volume of speeding and intoxicated drivers, while others are dangerous because of the surrounding infrastructure.
Some of the most dangerous area roads include:
Car accidents in the Atlanta region can happen for various reasons, but they typically involve some form of driver error or negligence. When people drive carelessly or recklessly, they may cause several different types of accidents.
Some of the most common Atlanta car crashes involve:
Although specific accident circumstances may vary from case to case, the typical cause of these accidents is driver negligence. When another driver operates their vehicle carelessly or recklessly, such as by violating traffic laws, they are more likely to cause a crash, leading to debilitating injuries.
Some of the most common traffic violations that cause accidents include failing to yield the right-of-way to other vehicles at the proper times, speeding, failing to use turn signals when switching lanes or making a turn, failing to use rear view and side view mirrors, and failing to use vehicle technology properly, such as lane change warnings and backup cameras.
In addition to road-rule violations, some traffic accidents happen when drivers exhibit road rage. Road rage refers to a driver’s inappropriate response or reaction to a roadway situation that arises.
For example, drivers may become angry or upset if they encounter slow-moving traffic, resorting to various reckless driving maneuvers. An angry driver may aggressively weave around traffic, cut off other vehicles in traffic, honk their horns, speed, and tailgate other drivers.
Unfortunately, these reckless driving maneuvers may lead to a severe traffic accident that involves one or more vehicles.
At other times, traffic accidents occur when drivers engage in distracted driving. Instead of watching the road, a driver might pay attention to a podcast, text, make a phone call, program a GPS, or converse with passengers.
When drivers engage in these activities, they often lose focus or take their eyes off the road. Even if a driver does this briefly, they may fail to see a nearby vehicle or pedestrian, causing a severe traffic accident.
Finally, some Atlanta car crashes result from intoxicated driving. When a driver consumes alcohol or drugs and then gets behind the wheel of a car, they are likely to cause various traffic accidents. This is because intoxicated drivers frequently experience physical and mental impairment, such as dizziness, blurred vision, limited concentration, and delayed reflexes.
As a result of these consequences, a driver might fail to see an approaching vehicle or pedestrian. Alternatively, the driver may not react in time to an emergency, preventing them from stopping their vehicle in time to avoid an accident.
You are not alone if you suffer injuries in a traffic accident resulting from one of these types of driver errors.
The knowledgeable Atlanta car accident attorneys in TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers’ network can assist you with every aspect of your case, from investigating the accident circumstances to negotiating with insurance company adjusters or litigating your case in the court system. Let an experienced attorney help you pursue the favorable monetary damages you need for your injuries.
The injuries that an Atlanta car crash victim suffers depend upon the type of accident, the amount of force involved, and the way their body moves in the vehicle during the crash.
Some of the most common injuries that car crash victims may suffer include soft tissue neck and back infusions, broken bones, rib fractures, internal organ damage, internal bleeding, traumatic brain injuries, paralysis injuries, spinal cord injuries, open cuts, and bruises.
While you focus your attention on obtaining medical treatment and getting better, your legal team can start gathering the documents necessary to prove your case. They can then introduce these documents to the insurance company after you complete most of your medical treatment.
Following an Atlanta car crash, the accident victim’s lawyer usually deals with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. However, no insurance company will do you any favors or help you recover favorable monetary damages.
In fact, the insurance company’s primary goal is to undervalue your case and pay you as little settlement compensation as possible. Insurance companies stand to lose a lot of money if they must pay a large personal injury settlement, jury verdict, or arbitration award in a car accident case.
Some insurance companies will even blame the accident victim for their accident or physical injuries. Alternatively, the insurance company may allege that the accident victim’s injuries are preexisting and the accident didn’t cause them.
Your legal team can fight the insurance company head-on and aggressively pursue your legal interests. They can highlight the strengths of your medical records and obtain qualified experts to highlight the nature and extent of your car accident injuries. Moreover, if the insurance company does not offer you favorable settlement compensation, your lawyer can threaten them with litigation, if necessary, and pursue your case in the court system.
Following a car crash in Atlanta, complete your medical treatment regimen by attending all appointments and waiting for a medical provider to formally discharge you. These actions increase your chances of recovering a favorable settlement award from the insurance company.
Next, you should collect and retain all pertinent documents in your case. Those documents may include police reports, witness contact information, medical bills, medical records, photographs of your injuries, and property damage photographs. Once your lawyer enters an appearance in your case, you can forward them those documents, which they can assemble into a settlement demand package.
Following a car crash, always retain legal counsel as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you may jeopardize your right to recover the fair monetary damages you deserve. Your legal team can start working on your case immediately, aggressively fighting for your legal rights and interests.
At TopDog Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we connect injured parties to local attorneys who are ready to fight for their clients and help them pursue the maximum monetary compensation available in their cases. If you recently sustained injuries in a car accident that was not your fault, let us help you find an attorney near you to take the legal steps necessary to recover the monetary compensation you deserve.
For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced Atlanta personal injury attorney, please call us at (404) 620-4059 or contact us online.
3225 Cumberland Blvd,
Suite 100,
Atlanta, GA 30339
Ph: (404) 620-4059
TopDog Law is a national marketing network that collaborates with James Helm, Helm Law Group, LLC, and other experienced local attorneys across the country, licensed in the states where they practice, combining our extensive resources and knowledge with their deep understanding of state-specific laws and regulations.
Helm Law Group, LLC maintains at least joint responsibility for each client file, and most cases are referred to TopDog Law’s network of attorneys across the country for principal responsibility. This strategic partnership allows us to provide you with the best of both worlds: the power and reach of a nationwide network of law firms, coupled with the personalized attention and local know-how of attorneys in your community.
With TopDog Law’s network of local attorneys on your side, you can rest assured that you have a tenacious, experienced team fighting tirelessly to secure the maximum compensation you deserve, regardless of your location.
TopDog Law is a national marketing network for law firms, including Helm Law Group, LLC, which license the TopDog Law name and separately operate in states where they are each licensed. James Helm is licensed to practice in Arizona and Pennsylvania. Helm Law Group, LLC operates in Arizona.
Rick Houghton
122 S Main St #220
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
3225 Cumberland Blvd, Ste 100
Atlanta, GA 30339
Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys
600 Peachtree St NE UNIT 3710
Atlanta, GA 30308
111 Presidential Blvd., Suite 251
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
1 South St, Suite 2125A
Baltimore, MD 21202
950 22nd Street N. Suite 600
Birmingham, AL 35203
Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys
2201 4th Ave N
Birmingham, AL 35233
361 Newbury Street, 3rd Floor
Suite 310
Boston, MA 02115
305 E 204th St.
Bronx, NY 10467
101 N Tryon St. Suite C
Charlotte, NC 28246
Volta Personal Injury Lawyers
1009 East Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28203
6343 S Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60636
Law Offices of Sobo and Sobo
5764 S Archer Ave
Chicago, IL 60638
2217 E 9th St, Suite A
Cleveland, OH 44115
Law Offices of Sobo and Sobo
2215 E 9th St
Cleveland, OH 44115
66 S Logan St Suite B
Denver, CO 80209
645 Griswold Street, Suite 1309
Detroit, MI 48226
Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys
2550 Meridian Blvd
Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorney
204 Courthouse Rd
Gulfport, MS 39507
863 Massachusetts Ave 2nd floor Suite B
Indianapolis, IN 46204
McCready Law Injury Attorneys
8200 Haverstick Rd Suite 210
Indianapolis, IN 46240
317 E Capitol St suite 200C
Jackson, MS 39201
1701 Troost Ave suite 202b
Kansas City, MO 64108
Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm
6900 S McCarran Blvd # 1010
Reno, NV 89509
Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm
801 S 4th St
Las Vegas, NV 89101
116 Ottenheimer Plaza Suite 4B
Little Rock, AR 72201
Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys
116 Ottenheimer Plaza Suite 4B
Little Rock, AR 72201
8124 W 3rd St, Suite 201
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Oakwood Legal Group
8123 W 3rd St. 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90028
5350 Poplar Ave, Suite 850B
Memphis, TN 38119
Keches Law Group
2 Granite Ave #400
Milton, MA 02186
1433 N Water St Suite 400D
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Law Offices of Sobo and Sobo
606 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Lawfty Law
8 S Main St
Mt Airy, MD 21771
Law Offices of Sobo and Sobo
1770 Park St STE 200
Naperville, IL 60563
600 Mount Prospect Avenue, Suite A
Newark, NJ 17104
Law Offices of Sobo and Sobo
600 Mt Prospect Ave
Newark, NJ 07104
Law Offices of Sobo and Sobo
5008 Broadway
New York, NY 10034
66 Franklin St, Suite 300C
Oakland, CA 94607
5627 Germantown Ave Suite 420
OaklandPhiladelphia, PA 19144
Rodden, Rodden & Breslin
125 N 20th St
Philadelphia, PA 19103
2700 N Central Ave Suite 320B
Phoenix, AZ 85004
6425 Living Place, Suite 200
Pttsburgh, PA 15206
920 West Sproul Road, Suite 201
Springfield, PA 19064
4625 Lindell Blvd Suite 200 & 300C
St. Louis, MO 63108
The Bruning Law Firm
555 Washington Ave Ste 600A
St. Louis, MO 63101
LM Law
1775 Tysons Blvd
Tysons, VA 22102
1150 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 802B
Washington, DC 20036
6832 W North Ave Suite 2A
Chicago, IL 60707
3509 Haverford Ave, Suite 102
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Lawfty Law LLP
1701 Rhode Island Ave NW, 4th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20036
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